Thursday, January 10, 2013

The ARAKNOID captured by THE RED RAY!

Some scrap photos for a quick photo story. The araknoid encounters an invisible enemy with a powerful red ray and is quickly captured!
NOTE: This does not regulate with the current WEB OF FANTASY continuity.

Friday, January 4, 2013

THE ARAKNOID episode 2

The araknoid enters a secret base of the repti-beasts and encounters their leader Kwong! Kwong is armed with a plasto-blaster, will the araknoid defeat him? watch and find out!!!


Before we begin, just a few notes of interest....
The arachnoid is now THE ARAKNOID!
AND now.... WEB OF FANTASY issue 2! Starring the ARAKNOID!!! In the last issue, We were introduced to the araknoid a super-powered alien being with spider-like powers! The araknoid has been sent to this future earth to battle the evil REPT-BEASTS and stop them from enslaving the last of human-kind! But, the repti-beasts have captured the araknoid! will he escape and stop their diabolical plans? Read on and find out in WEB OF FANTASY issue 2....

  1. Our story begins as the evil repti-beasts have taken the araknoid to a secret base hidden somewhere beneath the earth! HAHAHA! The araknoid is helpless inside the energy chamber! Kwong the repti-beasts leader, shouted in victory.
  2. INCREASE THE POWER! Though we are safe here, our armor is penetrable and we cannot allow the araknoid to escape! We must return him to lizarda for punishment! Kwong commanded.
  3. As the chambers energy bursts with power, Amazingly the araknoid resists!
  4. Ripping his slimey bonds and pentrating the energy field, the araknoid is free!
  5. So then, now your armor is vulnerable? Well prepare for an araknoid attack! The araknoid voiced triumphantly as he leaps from the chamber towards one of Kwongs guards. NOOOO! DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY!!!! Kwong cried.
  6. ZAPOW!!! with a single powerful punch, the araknoid defeats kwongs guard!
  7. Kwong readies himself with a sub-goo blaster and approaches the araknoid. Lizarda will have its revenge!!! Kwong shouted, as he squeezed the trigger of his blaster!
  8. Not this day! the araknoid projects an energy web towards both Kwong and the submissive blast of goo!
  9. But to the araknoids shock, Kwong is unaffected! HEH!HEH!HEH! fool! only my armor remains active! Kwong revels with deceit.
  10. Kwong quickly takes advantage of the situation and fires the sub-goo blaster! The araknoid is made helpless by the blast!
  11. HAHAHAHA! Lizarda awaits you araknoid!!! Kwong uses the blaster to reel in the helpless araknoid!
  12. With his spectacular strength, the araknoid breaks free!
  13. Lizarda will have to wait a long time until iam made its prisoner! it is over Kwong! the araknoid was victorious for the moment...
  14. Suddenly, a vacuum-like device is activated! the araknoid is sucked upward out of the base! HAHAHAHA! You have not seen the last of me araknoid!
  15. Helpless inside its chamber, the araknoid can only try to navigate the directional pull upwards!
  16. Soon, the araknoid is flung somewhere outside the base and beneath the earth, as the base securely shuts! But with his awesome spider-like agility, the araknoid makes a perfect landing.
  17. It looks like the repti-beasts have set their operations underneath the earth! I will encounter kwong again, but for the moment I must find my way back to the surface and protect the humans from whatever the repti-beasts have planned!
  18. Kwong will not succeed in his efforts as long as the araknoid stands in his way! THE END.

Be here soon for another exciting adventure in the world of the araknoid and found here in WEB OF FANTASY!!!! The araknoid ventures further beneath the earth to encounter THE CENTI-WORMS!