Thursday, March 7, 2013


Hi there true believers and web-spinners! I intend to have more ARAKNOID action coming at you soon! But I thought I would just post this for some spider-fans out there(like myself)and collectors(like myself). And just to let those know who follow this blog site, that it is not defunct and I plan to get back into costumed adventures soon! Ok, so here we go...  I purchased this ultimate spider-man titan hero figure instantly! The moment I saw it I immediately thought ENERGIZED spider-man of the past, So I just had to purchase it and the boxed packaging added to my anticipation and awe! Below is a pic of energized spider-man for those that do not know or never heard of...

Now the titan hero series ultimate spider-man....

The height, colors, and molding just brought great reminisce! Sans the accessories(which titan hero spider-man does not include), but makes up in articulation that energized spider-man lacked. Here is my quick review....

great sculpting! but spider-man is
only articulated at the shoulders,
hips, neck and lower legs.
side view, this spider-man really
makes a great addition and disp-
lay piece to your collection!

posed, twisting wrists and waist
would probably have made up for
the disappointment on the right..

Now this was unnecessary!
 How could hasbros quality control let this go undetected? 

I still think it is a great figure despite that only flaw, still it does not beat an energized spider-man! But since I do not own one, it makes up for it and the accessories such as the web and zip-line you can probably put together yourself. The flashlight is anyones guess, but Iam keeping this ultimate spider-man as is. So if you haven't gone out and bought one already BEWARE! The ultimate spider-man line promises future figures and I cannot wait for the white-tiger figure when it becomes available! Until then, stay tuned for the next adventure featuring the araknoid!!!! Thanks for looking!

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